Saturday, September 8, 2012

Off to the Land of Austen and Tea!

Today's the day! After talking about this trip for years and having my spot reserved for a little over a year, I'm finally setting out on this adventure! It still doesn't feel real. Whenever we would talk about it, it always felt so far off. "Yes, I'm going to England and Germany in the fall", I would say when people asked about my trip. But now suddenly it is fall (ok, not technically, but it is September and for me that is fall.) and the fact that I'm staring at my plane ticket and passport is telling me that this is really happening!
Obviously my packing still needs some work. I'm afraid I'm not a good packer, though my excuse is that I never go anywhere so why would I be good at it? I have my books, (The Great Gatsby, A Picture of Dorian Gray, Jane Austen Ruined My Life, and All Roads Lead to Austen) along with my regency dress, short stays, a couple chemises, and a pelisse with a removable skirt to turn it into a spencer. I have no idea if that is accurate (probably not) but it is so much more convenient. I also have my bonnets, which all of my packing was worked around. I'm heading to the airport in a few hours, so I should finish up. I shall try ever so hard to share pictures with you and write as much as I can during my trip. Goodbye good ol' U.S.A. Hello U.K.!

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