Monday, September 10, 2012

Perfect Ending for a First Day in England

After finally getting on my flight and making it to England, I found my way though the Manchester Airport and got on the bus I needed to be on. I was heading to meet the rest of my group at an old cotton mill a few minutes away from the airport. When I arrived, they were nowhere to be found. After asking the lovely people at the desk, they got in contact with my group and found out that they had missed their bus and the next one wouldn't be coming around for another hour. So I spent that hour wandering the grounds of the mill.

Very English Countryside
We had a lovely lunch of tea, coffee, sandwiches, spring onion and nettle soup, and then a yummy dessert tray.

As you can see from the picture above, the gardens were beautiful! They had many demonstrations going on inside the mill, but it was dark and many of the photos didn't turn out right.
My roomie and I were going to get the famous fish and chips, but then we saw the fish was interesting.

And our day couldn't be complete without getting poured on as we walked back to our hotel room!
Now I'm quite ready to plop down on this bed and never move! I've been up since 9:30am on Sunday (New York time), and its now 10:10pm on Monday (England time). We get confused every time we try to figure out how long I've been up...jet-lag is getting the better of us!



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