Monday, April 2, 2012

Summer came during spring break!

I had my lovely holiday from classes a couple weeks ago in March (which shows how dreadfully overdue this is) and I had everything planned out. Though I feel I should know by now that things never go as planned for me! My plan was this: to have a happy week of reading and sewing or baking something everyday. The weather suddenly turned absolutely gorgeous! it was high 70's and low 80's the entire week! As my sewing nook is in the basement and the kitchen doesn't have very many windows, I didn't want to be cooped up. So it was out to bask in the sunny yard and read my ever growing pile of books. Here are some things of that week of sun-shinning bliss.
I'm one of those people who buys things off the clearance rack even if they don't fit because I say "oh, well I sew, so I'll just take it in and make it fit."...but then I never do.

These are the skirts I was supposed to work on over break

My little brother was very excited because he finally lost his first tooth!

I ate so pancakes with our fresh maple syrup...yumm!

This little guy knows how to clean his plate after pancakes

I finally got the papers I needed to graduate this spring. Yay!

Some of the books I was reading over break. I was happy to find "Mandy" on my little sister's book shelf. I've been wanting to read it since I was 10 or 12 and for some reason never did. Such a cute little book.

I'll have a real post sometime soon, I promise...hopefully :)

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